Monday, October 25, 2010


Take a look at this link, which is a list of homonyms (words that sound alike, but have different spellings and meanings).

Which set of words do you already get, and how? Which set gives you trouble and why do you think you get stuck on it? And what new information did you realize about a set of homonyms by reading through this list?


  1. threw and through to and two blew and lue

  2. After taking a look at the list of homonyms, I saw some that caught my eye, but why did they grab my attention. Well, those are the ones I have trouble with. So I don't go over the limit, I guess I'll do one or two.
    My first homonym I don't really get - alter and altar. I never really knew the meaning of "altar", and I used to spell them both the same. Now, since I know what it means, maybe I'll remember each one out of the two.
    Seeing the list "sent me back" to years ago, I remember a bit about them, but now I know that homonyms can be confusing, but it's useful to know them so you don't make spelling and grammar mistakes in the future!

  3. I already get the set of words,"ant" and "aunt". I know the difference between the two and I use the correct one when I write. That is how I get those homonyms.
    The set of words that gives me trouble is "affect" and "effect". I think that I get stuck on them because I don't know the difference between them and I don't know what they each mean. Now that I know I think that I might be able to use them more accurately.
    I did not know what the words "baud" and "bawd" meant. Those words were completely new to me. The information that I realized about that set of homonyms was what the words meant and how they are used in completely different sentences. Their meanings are completely different, it would be tragic if the two words were mixed up.

  4. I get almost all of these sets (I know you want that to be specific, but when I say "all", how much more specific can that get?), because I've heared a lot of these words and their homonyms more times than you can count. Some sets like "guise" & "know" are ones that I got stuck on. I know the words & their definitions, but this Cooper person didn't give any ACTUAL definition, if you can understand what I mean (You do understand me, right?). Things I learned were certain words that acually have the same spelling but different definitions. There were even some words that I knew, but with different definitions. Sorry if this is long. I just want to pass this class so I don't have to retake it. You feeling me?

  5. When I learned it, it took me a while to finaly understand there, their and they're I would always mix them up, but now I understand them. I sometimes have trouble with bye, by and buy, I tend to mix up buy and bye sometimes. I never knew that aweful, awful and offal were all spelled differently I thought they were all spelled like a-w-e-f-u-l but I guess not...

  6. The set of homonyms I already understand is clothes and close.I know that they are different by seeing which meaning fits best.For an example,"I might of grown out of my clothes"Janet said.I can tell she means a garment to be worn.The set that gives me trouble would be hairy,Harry,and harry.I often have trouble with them three because Harry and harry are spelled the same.The new information I about a set of homonyms is harry means to hunt or harass while Harry with a capital letter at beggining means a mans first name.

  7. One set I knew was ax and acts. One that I didn't know was the word adze. This list showed me that most homonyms have nothing alike accept how they sound. It also shows me that many words are homonyms that you wouldn't expect

  8. A homonym that I stuble on is their,there,and they're.Ive never understood them since I learned the word and I don't think I will. I think I understand rabbet and rabbit. Rabbet means A groove cut in a board and rabbit means my favorite animal. I learned from this list that their can be more than two words that sound alike.

  9. The homonyms that i know is close and cloth. The difference between them is that close means to shut somthing and cloth means to be wearing somthing. What i didnt really understand was alter and altar. I was stuck on it becaus they so similar that they just seem to sound the same. What i realize is that i knew alot of the definitions are easy but the spelling is a little tricky.

  10. One set of words that I understand is hay and hey. I understand this because hay and hey are two common used words, they are small words and are spelled almost the same way.
    One set of words I dont understand is bel and Bel. I get caught up on these words because they are very uncommon words that I have never heard of. Also because that they are spelled the same but the only diference is the capital and non capital, that could trip me up alot.
    Some new iformation that I learned is that homonyms are easier than you think. Also that the words can be so different in meaning but all that matters is that they sound the same.

  11. After looking on the website of homonyms two words that my eyes looked at, were ascent and assent. I never knew meanings of these words but after looking them they were looking similar to pronounce but ahd different meanings. I thinking that I will be good at them after sometime and totaly understand their maenings. I think that these homopnyms are same and don`t have anydiffernce , but they do.

  12. The homonyms for me that sound the same is thier there their.

  13. I understand homonyms clearly. I find it pretty easy, though I realized some words I never would’ve realized had a homonym, such as rude, royal, and shall. They all have homonyms like rood, roil, and shall. I’ll probably get confused on those.Though on obvious ones I have no trouble.

  14. Andraa McCarthy _._ -.- _._ -.-October 26, 2010 at 3:30 PM

    Two words that I understand are blew and blue because blue is a color of a crayon and blew is like the wind blew you away. Two words that give me trouble is affect and effect. They give me trouble because, if I have to spell these two words really fast, I can forget which one I need to put in effect or affect.One word that I didn't know was adze. Adze is a axe like tool.

  15. Juliana Cintron -LeonardoOctober 26, 2010 at 3:35 PM

    I knew ant and aunt becuase I know it by the spelling and I understand these words in a sentence by looking at clue words. I had trouble with maze and Mays because when I wrote a halloween story I try to write maze and I wrote the other Mays. The new infromation I realized that I didn't that there was another mein.

  16. Brittany Staltare :DOctober 26, 2010 at 3:36 PM

    From the word list I looked at, the words that I don't get confused are ant and aunt. I think of it like since an ant is really tiny, it has fewer letters and it is a short word, so I know it means the little bug and the word aunt has more letters, so I know it is a person. The words that confuse me are their, there, and they’re. I do not know what one to put in for a sentence. Like if I said they’re going to throw a ball. I know they’re going to go to a party. The only word I know the best out of them is there because I know it means there is the house I need to go to. There are words that I didn’t know. There was the word told and tolled. I didn’t know that the word tolled meant a bell was rung and I knew the word told meant that I told you something important.

  17. Two words that I understand are board and bored.I know the difference between them becuase I think of bored when I start thinking about something, or doing something and then I lose interest. I think about board when I sometimes go to the beach and I walk down stairs that are made out of wooden boards. Two words that I think are hard to me are chile and chili becuase whenever I hear someone saying one of those words I get confused and I wonder if they are talking about the coutry or the type of pepper. One of the new words that I learned is claque because I have never heard of that word and today I just learned about it.

  18. The word I already know is "Allow, Aloud "I recognized the difference because aloud end with a d and allow doesn’t end with a d.
    The words I really get confuse with are “knot, not "I get confuse with those because I can’t tell the difference between both of them.
    The stuff did'nt know was some words have different meanigs but same prenouncing.

  19. The set of words I already get is there, their, and they're. Because they are implanted my memory forever. The set that gets me confused is you and yew. The new word I learned from all this is islet.

  20. I get almost all the words their there they're because they all sound the same I didn't know there are two saying of sex,sects I thought there was only one that kids should not do. one way I plan to remember the new word is to remember is to remember religious factions.

  21. One set of homonyms that I get are some and sum. I get this because I know that the one with the "u" is the one that involves math. Also I know the difference because the us this "some" more then "sum".
    A set of homonyms that I get stuck on are "to" and "too". I get stuck because I never know which one to put in my sentence. I think I get stuck on it because i think that "too" is used when you want to say something with more emptiness.
    By reading through the list of homonyms, I realized that that there are two different ways to spell "wreck", "wreck" and "reck".

  22. I looked at all the homonyms and i saw one that really caught my eye, the words were better and bettor. they both sound and almost look like the same. bettor and better are two unlikely words; the only diffrence between them is the o and the e.
    Another one i really didnt understand was Bel and bel; i was like "dont they mean the same thing, the only diffrence is the capitolization of the two words. these words are really diffrent words.
    what i learned from this is that just because words may look the same and sound the same doesnt mean that they may mean the same

  23. I have always had trouble telling the difference between affect and effect. I have trouble with that because I can't tell when to use which one. For example, the guy was affected (changed) by the lighting strike, or was he effected (result).

    Two homonyms I don't have trouble with are ant and aunt. I think it is easy to tell which to use when because I use them so often in everyday life. I see my aunt everyday and I know she is not an ant.

    reading through the list I learned the affect and effect can almost be used interchangeably.

  24. One set of words I understand is threw and through. I understand these two particular words because when I think of threw I think of throwing a football. When I think of through I think of going through a tunnel.
    One set of words I get tripped up with is pare pair and pear. I know that pear means the fruit but the other two I get tripped up on. I always think that pare means two and I never really knew what pare acually ment.
    I learned that many words are almost spelled exactly the same but have a hole different meaning and that it is easy to pass a word off as something else.

  25. As i was looking at the list of homonyms what caught my eye were the 3 diiferent types of theres. ( their, there, and they're.)Those always confused me my whole life! what also confused me was the word piece i always put the "E" before the "I"

  26. I have learned about homonyms for a long time now and one of the sets of words I really understand are aye, eye, and I. Those are some words I know very well.
    The set in the link that did bother me was the words patience and patients. This confused me because the definitions for both were the same. The definition they have down is "being willing to wait". I thought patience was being willing to wait and patients are people who are at the emergency room or doctor's office.
    The whole set of words that were new to me are the bailer, one who bails water, a bailor, a person thaat entrusts good bailee, and baler, one who bales hay. These words are all new to me... but now they are not!

  27. one set of words i understand is aloud and allowed. i can tell these apart because they have hints as to what they mean like in "aloud" i see the word loud so that gives a hint so i already know the other one which is allowed.

    One set of words that i get confused with is affect and effect because they sound and look exactly the same except for one letter. they also dont really give any hints as to what they mean so i find those two difficult.

  28. The set of words I already knew were foul and fowl. I knew that a foul means like a penalty in basketball and a fowl is a chicken. How I remember is that foul is sports and fowl is a hen.
    One set of words that I found difficult was ad and add. I didnt know that one had one d and the other had two d's. I cant get any hints to which one is which beacause the difference is only one letter.
    I learned that they could be different by one letter but it could make a big difference.

  29. I dont get the words,ant and aunt,they sound the same,but are different,it dosnt make sense to me.

    Other words are eye and I.

  30. One set of homonyms that I understand is "ant" and "aunt". I understand these because I know when I see the word "ant", I know it means the tiny bug. When I see the word "aunt" I know it means the person. Also the spellings are different so I that's another way I know the difference between the two.

    One set of homonyms that I get stuck on is "affect" and "effect". I get confused with "effect" and "affect" because I don't know the meaning for either of the words. When I have to write an essay or a story I always have to guess on which affect/effect to use because I don't know the difference between both words.

    The set of words that were new to me are chorale, which is a choir and corral which is a pen for horses. Those words were new to me...but now I know what they all mean.

  31. One set of words that I really understand is hare and hair. When I was little I always used to listen to the story about the tortise and the hare.
    A set of words that I get confused with is affect and effect. I always used to put affect for everything until I found out there was such a word as effect.

  32. One set that I get is act,and ax. I get it because it is hard to forget somthing like that. Ax a tool to cut wood has a x, act is somthing that meaning somthing that was done.

    One homonym that confuses me is course and coarse. They both are so similar. Coarse is also not used as often as course so I dont know what it means instantly.

  33. One of the homonyms is night and knight,or know and no, or eight and ate. The diference between Know and no is know is like when you tell someone that know what something means...(that was know) and no, is no I wont do that...(that was no.
    Another one is Knite and night. Kinght is the one that ride the horse into the sunset with the princess on the back...(that was knight) night is the one were it is dark out side and it is hard to see...(that was night)

    Another set of homonyms I know is eight and ate, eight is a number like one, two, three, four...(you get it that was eight) Ate is is when you had just ate and your mom say its time to eat, and you say i already ate.

  34. The homonym I have a problem with is there, their, and they're. They confuse me because I never know which one to put in the sentances I make. The ones I really understand are right and write. When i was younger right and write always mess those up but now i got it.

  35. The homonyms get me really confused because the sound that go with the words that sounds the same like threw and through they get really confused and i would like to get some help with homonym.

  36. One set of words that I know and understand is ad & add.For me its very easy to see the diferences.I can understand that ad meens advertisment and add(ing)is in math.One set of words that I have troubles with is to & too. They confuse me because some times I dont get it how I am supposed to use it in a sentance. I know the word two is the number, but I don't know how to use to and too in a sentence. A set of words that I didnt know that were even there are popery & potpourri.

  37. I dont understand better and bettor because why does the other better have a or in the word. I understand bolder and boulder. One of the words is a big rock and the other word is a word in dark letters. I dont know what the word clew because it has a e in it instead of a u.

  38. The homonyms that I use a trick for is there, their, and they're. There is used for place, their is used for person, and they're is really they are. The homonyms I have a problem with is odd and awed. Odd is a number that starts with 1,3,5,7 but awed I don't get. I don't know what it means and I can't use it in a sentence. I never knew there were two words for boy and bouy. I thought there was only boy.

  39. The homonyms that confused me the most was the words calender and the calendar. It confuses me because I did not notice the a in calendar,
    the one I use the most is calender.The homonyms that I get the most is cent,sent and scent. It is easy for me because one means to smell one means money and one means to send something away.The one i never heard of was the word claque it means a group hired clap.

  40. The homonyms I really get confused on is there,their & they're because their almost spelled the same, but I know them good now.The ones that I really get is threw and through because I use threw as I passed something and I use through as end to end. I never heard of the words timber and timbre.

  41. I didnt write much before so im guna finish the eye and i. I was stumped on the two but i figured it out.

    Two other words i dont get is to two and too,i got the word two, is the number 2, but to and too dont make sense.

  42. The homonym that I have a problem with is thier they're and there. I always get mixed up with them because I never wich theres to put in a sentance. One set of homonyms I understand well is wright and right.

  43. The two homonyms that i know very well from the rest of them would be there an thier. I know that the word there indicates like a places,and the word their is like ownwer ship like their house. One i don't no so well would be aye and eye the thing about them is like when reading a story and some one uses aye like why did you do that i concider eye the same way but it isn't. From looking at this homonym list i came across a pair of words i don't know well witch are breach witch means to break through and breech witch means the back part.

  44. By looking at the list there was a few homonyms I knew already, one of the sets I knew already is "days and daze".I knew that a while ago because, in most of the books I was reading this one book I saw the word "daze" in it and I looked it up. I already knew the word "days" already so I did not have a problem with that.

    The set of words I did not really get was"calendar,and calander".Every time I wanted to write "calendar" I usually wrote "calender".

    By reading the set of words I realized that there were a lot of words that I did not really know about, so I learned new words by reading the set of words.

  45. The homonyms that i already knew were the their there and they're. The ones i had trouble on were picnic and pyknic. i have never heard of pyknic so I think thats why i have trouble with it.

  46. When I was looking at the list of Homonyms I understood the two words ant and Aunt I know the difference because ant is an insect and Aunt is one of my parents sisters

    The one I get tricked by most often is to and too because when I'm writing at the end of sentance and I write to instead of too

    I didn't know that there are two different words for Calender

  47. The set of homonyms that I already understand was allowed and aloud because they are common words but are used differently and have different definitions. The set of homonyms that i gives me trouble is ant and aunt because as a kid to this day I always have to stop and think when i write one of those words. The set that i just realized was ax and acts.

  48. By looking at the list of words I noticed that I already knew many of them and the pair that popped out at me was Acts and Ax. Acts means the doing of something, and Ax means a chopping tool (For wood). But the one pair that stood out to me was the words Their, There, and They're. I never know which one is which so I don’t ever know which one goes in the scentece im writing. The word Their means belonging to them, there means a place, They're means to contrast of ''they are". I now understand them a little better so now I will be abble to use them in a sentence without messing them up.

  49. By looking at the Homonyms I already knew the set of "one" and "won".I knew that because "one" is the number 1 and the word "won" is like saying nicki won the race.
    On the list of Homonyms the words i get stuck on is "to" or "too". i never know when to put one O or 2 O's.
    A new Homonyms for me were "cede" and "seed". i knew that the word "seed" ment a object that grows thing,but i never heard of the word "cede" or that it meant to give.

  50. the one homonym is "bawl"I never knew what that meant until now, that was another word for crying. Also "quire" because I've always used choir. I know this because I was never in a situation and/or read about one with this meaning in it.

    The two words I could always tell apart was aunt and ant. I already knew these two apart because when I was learning in first grade, my dad would tell me to think of the"U" in Laurie.(cause I have an aunt Laurie) So that is my trick to remembering that ant is a bug and aunt is your parents sister.
    Reading this homonyms list made me realize there are more words that I never really knew or what they meant.

  51. Some homonym i already get is sum and some. I know that "some" would be used n a sentence like "There were only some students in th library" and i know "sum has to do with math.
    The set of wods i have trouble with is "effect and affect" i was never sure which one to use when untill now. I never knew what the words " baud and bawd meant." and whenever i saw those words in a book i always wondered what they meant now i know

  52. The one that I easly got was the asile one because I see them both often in writing and real life. The one that gave me troube was thae augur(I think thats how you spell it)one.I've never seen either in books, movies or real life. The new information that I learned is that loots of words that have similar selling can mean completely diffrent things.

  53. The set of homonyms that gives me trouble is wanted and wonted. I think i get stuck on them beacause they sound alike and reading this through now i get the difference between the two words wanted is if you are on the run and wonted is if you wont something.

  54. The three words I could always tell apart are to, too and two because To; to move toward something, Too; is also and Two; is a couple and/or the number. The hononyms that always make me mess up are there, thier and they're I think the reason this always happens to me is because they all sound the same but at the same time each have a different meaning. By reading this list of hononyms it made me realize that there are alot of hononyms that I never knew of and it really surprised me to see all the different ones.

  55. I already know alot of those Homonyms like ax and acts. I know them alot because alot of people say something like "I'll go ax her." so I'm used to the difference.
    One I have alot of trouble with is dam and(pardon the language) damn those give me trouble because I never remember which spelling is for which word.
    One set I didn't know was farrow and pharoah farrow means a litter of pigs and pharoah was an egyptian monarch

  56. The homonyms that I get are "their,there and they're. These were never hard for me and they always just stuck in my head.I think part of the reason that I don't have trouble with "they're" is because I usually write "they are" instead of "they're".
    The homonyms I DON'T get are "aught and ought",I always thought these words weren't real,I thought they were slang like "ain't".I think part of the reason I don't get them is because I never knew which was which.I still don't know the difference between them.
    A new homonym I learned was news and gnus,I'd never actually heard of gnus but I now know the meaning of gnus is a herd of antelopes.

  57. SORRY PEOPLE I FORGOT TO SAY HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. On the list of Homonyms, I automaticly knew the difference between "act" and "ax". I know that "acts", means things that are done, things that happen. And I know that an "ax" is a sharp cutting/slicing tool.

    The set of words I didn't know about were "all", and "awl". "All" means everything, all of what you have, which I knew about. But I didnt not know about the word "awl", which means a pointed scribbler, like a writing utensil.

    Some new information I realized about a set of Homonyms by reading this list is, that there are many words that people use, that make us think one thing, but might mean a complete other. I learned alot of different Homonyms that i didn't know about from this list.

  59. One homonym I get is ant and aunt. I get these words because they are totally different meanings. I know that if I am talking about my aunt or anyone else I know that I have to have a "u", and that if I am talking about the bug it doesn't have the "u". I think of is it this way, since the person is bigger than an ant the word is going to be bigger.
    The one I ALWAYS mess up on it their, there and they're. The reason I mess up on them all the time is because I do not know the meanings. I probably could get them right if I Practice them more.
    And now I realized why in spelling B's the contestants always ask for the definition of a word is because it might be something else then what they think it is.

  60. The list of words I already get that are homonyms is the set that says ad and the set that says add. Ad means a short advertisement and this add is short for addition. The way I understand the difference between ad and add is that I think of add as an addition to a word like you would add a number to another number. The way I remember that ad is different then add is that ad has one less "d" then add does, so when I think of ad as in advertisement I think to subtract a "d" from the add as in addition.
    A set of homonyms that gives me trouble is the set that says effect and affect. Affect means to change and effect means to find the results of something. I think that the two homonyms get me stuck because I can never remember the definitions for the two words.
    While reading the list I realized that all the words had very different spellings. I also noticed that some ways I spell and use words in the wrong way. I spell words by sounding the letters out. For example some of the words I spell the same because they sound alike, like the two homonyms shoot and chute . I always spell them as shoot.

  61. I understand almost all of these homonyns. I know them because i like to study the words and things that intrique me. Words that I know by heart are knows,nose and noes because they have such a diffrence that I remember it I like to use these in my writing to make things intresting. The words that trip me up are baize,bays,and beys I never knew their was a beys and baize I thought you just used the same spelling for the diffrent meanings.I also thought the same with the words yoke and yolk. The words whired and word ive never heard of whirred so I use to just use word.Those are some of the words that trip me up or that I understand clearly

  62. After me looking threw the list of homonyms these two words caught my eye and those words were bolder , and boulder because they sound the same but they have to different meanings like bolder means more courage and boulder means really large rock and a set i already get is bye and by.I think these words were easy because bye means a farewell and by means near someone or near something.

  63. i get most of all the homonyms but i have a lot of trouble with their, there, they're i never got them because when i was little me teacher confused me and i never got to understand them. I learned that there are a lot of homonyms i thought there were only like 20-30.

  64. A 3 set of words that I have no problem with is bye, buy, and by.EVEN though they all sound the same they all have diffrent meanings and spell diffrently, the word "bye" is like saying bye mom when your leaving for school,"by" is like saying the book was by....,and last the word "buy" is im going to buy a new phone.
    I have always had a problem with thier, there ,and they're. When i am writing stories down I always get points off because of that small mistake.

  65. When i saw all the homonyms there were, i new i use alot of them and usually get them mixed up. So i remembered one word i use alot thier,there or they're. When i would write essays or papers when i neede to ues one of these words i put down, there, for mostly evry thing but then i reliezed every time i would get a paper back all the , there's, would be corrected into, their or they're. so now that iknow what the words mean i'll think before i write don a ,there,.

  66. A homonym I understand is two, too and to. I understand the two differences between them and what each of them mean. A homonym I don't understand is priciple and pricipal. I get stuck on them because they seem so alike to me and I do not know each of their meanings.

  67. Jessica Rose NicholsonOctober 31, 2010 at 1:15 PM

    The homonyms I already understood were some and sum. I knew from math that a sum would be an answer to an addition problem. I also knew that some would be used in a sentence like, "Some of my family got their flu shots", or describing part of a group.

    The homonyms I can never understand are there, their, and they're. I think I can never understand it because there and their look so much alike (and sound alike) and I always forget about they're. I think I really have trouble with them in my writing because I always have a great idea and I rush trying to get all my thoughts down. I write so quickly that I write their instead of there or there instead of their.

    The new information I learned was about the set of homonyms I, eye, and aye. What i learned was that it's not just I and eye. I knew about the word aye from pirate movies but I didn't really think it was a real word. I just thought it was pirate slang! But now I know that it is a real word.

  68. Sierra Roces :0 Happy Halloween!!October 31, 2010 at 2:12 PM

    The set of homonyms that I really get are right,and write. I know that write is when you write words and create them into your piece of work. I also know that the word right is your right hand or a right turn. I know these homonyms because my teachers and parents both taught me how to pronounce them and what they mean.
    The set of homonyms I dont know at all are allowed, and aloud. They both sound very much the same and I don't know how to use them in a sentance. I dont think I know them because we never really went over these homonyms in my english classes in elementry school.
    The words that I get know from the homonyms list are effect, and affect. Effect is the result of something and affect is to change.

  69. some i already knew were ad and add. ad is an advertizments and add is to put something more to what it already is.
    some i dont know is their and there and i dont know which ones are which.

  70. the one I get is Close Clothes. Close is to shut something and clothes are stuff you wear. the one I dont get is Rhyme and Rime.

    p.s sorry it was late and Happy Halloween!!!!

  71. I don't have any trouble with most of the words on the sheet, especially they're, their, and there. I never have any trouble with those words, because I know they're is short for they are, their is about people, like heir, and there is the other one. However, I get confused with affect and effect alot, and I don't know which to use under which circumstances. I realized that there can be more than two or three homonyms to one word.

  72. There , Their , And they're
